CBA is committed to teaching the head, heart, and hands. The following curriculum summaries explain how our curriculum is distinctly Christian and endeavours to teach the whole child.
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Quick Links: Language Arts | Bible | Math | Science & Technology | Social Studies | The Arts | Physical and Health Education
Language Arts
Language Arts is the academic heart of the curriculum, because the abilities to read, understand, and communicate effectively are used in every subject.

Language is a gift from God. He gives us the means to relate to Him and to one another.
Language is a vehicle of worship. Our worship must be spiritual and truthful, and so must our language.
Language is an essential tool. Language enables us to unfold, explore, praise, celebrate, admonish, and correct. It allows us to read and understand God’s Word for ourselves.
Language is an opportunity. We have opportunities to bless or to curse, to create or to destroy, to encourage or to hinder, to respond or to ignore, to proclaim or to remain silent.
Language is a responsibility. We are held accountable by the Lord’s commands to continually work together in community to effectively communicate the Gospel, a Christian world view, and Christ-likeness.
Language is a discipline. We integrate language into our call to responsive discipleship. We are called to practice discernment and to view all information in the light of God’s Word. His Word gives us direction through the various components of language – listening, reading, writing, oral expression, and media literacy – to discover His will for our lives.
The Bible is the cornerstone of our curriculum.
The Bible is God’s love letter to us, our map book through our journey, our record of His faithful promises, and our handbook for right living.
We have an awesome opportunity to freely learn how to study, interpret, and apply the truth of God’s Word to life. By knowing what God’s Word says and applying this knowledge and its principles to all other subject areas, we are able to make sense of this world and make godly choices in all things.
We trust that the Holy Spirit reveals the truths of Scripture, but we are also invited to reason together. Our responsibility is to receive, reflect upon, and respond to God’s message of salvation.
We observe and marvel at God’s purposeful design through the study of mathematics.
Math is not just about number facts, but it is a discovery of mathematical principles that govern the universe. Math points to the God of order, who planned and established these principles. Math also demonstrates His constancy; the patterns found in creation demonstrate His faithfulness. Math is a reflection of God’s character. A proper study of math should lead us to marvel at God’s goodness.
We also develop skills to solve real world problems. When we learn how to connect and apply math appropriately to daily living, we are able to practice wise stewardship; therefore, math is an extremely relevant and practical subject.
Science & Technology
We are able to better understand the world around us and the universe beyond based on what we discover through observation and testing.

Through scientific discovery, we understand the laws that govern the universe and get a glimpse of God’s glory and handiwork as reflected in His creation.
We are then able to apply this understanding to benefit mankind, to be a blessing to others, and to fulfil our creation mandate to be wise stewards of our Father’s world.
God’s Word is not separate from science, but the lens through which we interpret the results. Therefore, our conclusions should reflect awe and reverence for God the Creator and lead us to worship Him.
Technology allows us to live easier, more comfortable, more efficient lives. Like language, we can use technology for great good or evil. There is, therefore, an incredible responsibility to be wise and discerning about the information coming to us and being sent from us. We learn how to use powerful tools to serve God, communicate His truth with others, to discover more about His wonderful creation, and to transform the world for Christ. We study to understand the potentials and limitations of technology and the need to act ethically.
Social Studies
God’s people have a story, and we are part of that story today. There is a connection between the physical and human events in this world and God’s plan of salvation.
Through social studies, we observe how God is actively working to accomplish His plans for creation. We also see mankind’s responses to Him, to those plans, and to one another.
We have a responsibility as Christians to discern our actions, interactions, and reactions to our present culture as well as past, current, and future events. We base our decisions upon God’s revealed will for us. We ought to develop God-honouring relationships in our families, churches, communities, nation, and world. This then leads us to live lives of obedience to Christ, which are characterized by compassion, mission, service to others, and stewardship.
The Arts
As image bearers of the Almighty, we have the joy and privilege to worship a creative God and to bless Him and others with every aspect of our beings.
Through a study of the arts, we are able to discover, explore, and develop our God-given and unique talents. Although we have different strengths and abilities in drama, dance, music, and visual arts, we do our best to celebrate and praise the Lord. We also learn to appreciate the diverse gifts and forms of expression of others.
Physical and Health Education
A Christian physical education program starts with an understanding that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit; therefore, we must use them to glorify Him.

This involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle and godly habits. We learn to take care of ourselves through exercise, nutrition, hygiene, safety, and rest.
We also develop self-discipline in order to overcome obstacles and endurance in
order to carry out our service to God and others.
Physical education helps us to more effectively fulfil His call on our lives.