Our Curriculum
The Bible forms the foundation upon which all curricula are judged.
Central Baptist Academy will remain current and informed with respect to Ontario Ministry of Education and Training guidelines and will seek to appropriately use that which is best for the overall curriculum at the Academy.
The Canadian Achievement Test (CAT-4) will be given systematically to Academy students to evaluate their standing in core knowledge and skill areas. This will be a diagnostic tool for both the individual students and the curriculum at-large. The results will be maintained in students’ individual Ontario Student Records (OSRs). If you would like to access information in your child’s OSR, please make an appointment with the principal.
All textbooks and materials will be selected based on their suitability to achieve the school’s educational goals. Academic knowledge from a biblical worldview and a focus on the development of Christian character will be the emphasis in all subject areas. A variety of resources will be utilized to cover topics and area of study in the curriculum including textbooks, articles, videos and others. Therefore, students may not cover all topics or complete all assignments in a book assigned to them for the year.
A systematic study of the Bible is obviously an integral part of the curriculum at Central Baptist Academy. Chapels are conducted weekly.
Curriculum Goals
CBA is committed to teaching the head, heart, and hands.
Click here for detailed summaries of each subject to understand how our curriculum is distinctly Christian and endeavours to teach the whole child.
CBA Athletics
There are three aspects of the Sports Program – Physical Education, Intramural Sports, and Interscholastic Sports.
Click here for more details on the program as well as Safety, the Academic Expectations of Athletes, and the Athletic Calendar.
CBA Music

Le Francais
We have a new and very exciting French program here at CBA called Mission Monde.
The curriculum was written by a Christian family who are educators, and had the opportunity to live in and travel to French speaking communities as missionaries in Ontario, other French speaking places in Canada as well as live in French speaking countries. It is a blessing to be able to work in and teach from a Bible based curriculum that fulfills all of the components the Ontario Ministry of Education requires for each grade level to grade 9.

At CBA, our French program begins at the Junior Kindergarten level through to grade 8 using individual workbooks, hands on activities and manipulatives, technology, speaking, listening to, reading, comprehension and writing in French. Along with teaching all the components the Ministry requires for each grade; being able to teach from a Biblical worldview allows for all students in each grade to learn scripture in French, sing songs and choruses in French, learn Bible stories in French and most importantly how to apply their faith and the Gospel in French. The students have proven at each grade level, they are excelling in and enjoying learning from this successful French curriculum.
CBA Character Education
In addition to teaching classroom, school, and yard rules, we will also teach the language of respect including respectful body language, respectful facial expressions, respectful tone of voice, respectful self-talk and self-image, using words to solve problems and conflicts, presenting and supporting differing points of view, and honouring and recognizing others.
We do so through classroom lessons, character education, individual or small group or classroom meetings, guest speakers, themes, chapel sessions, and assemblies. Staff members are committed to modelling respectful behaviour.